Happy New Years everyone! I hope everyone was able to enjoy the holidays spent with family and friends. It's always a busy time of year, but it's nice to take a few moments and just have fun:) With 2011 upon us, I thought I'd see how I did with my list of things to do in 2010:
1.) Sing Karaoke in Vegas

Done and Done! And without the help of alcohol I might add:)
2.) make a romantic meal with Jesse from scratch
not so much.....maybe Jesse and I need to spend more time together in the kitchen this year:)
3.) finish 12 books
Easy Peasy! Here's what I read:
My Sister’s Keeper
Twenties Girl
Her Fearful Symmetry
Still Alice
Yes, My darling Daughter
The Story of Edgar Sawtelle
Loving Frank
Girl with a Pearl Earring
The Poisonwood Bible
Vanishing Acts
The Slap
Reading Lolita in Tehran
River of the Broken hearted
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Sarah’s Key
Snow Flower and the Secret Fan
I'm going to up the anty next year
4.) Bake something new each month:
carrot cake

cinnamon rolls

squash muffins

black and white muffins

Not a favourite for me or Jesse:(
zucchini/chocolate chip muffins

peanut butter cookies

pumpkin chai loaf

chocolate/peanut butter brownies

caramel filled chocolate cookies

These are delicious!
So 9/12 isn't so bad, but with my new kitchenaid mixer that I got for Christmas I'll have better luck next year!
5.) Eat carrots grown from my own garden

I had high hopes for my garden this year. We even planted these chrysanthemums in the hopes that they would scare away any pests, but alas my first garden did not succeed. Next year I resolve not to neglect it!
6.) Make applesauce from the apples on our tree

Success! Althouth it tastes a lot more like apple pie filling than applesauce...oh well....still delicious!
7.) Make my own pickles

these were a blast! Thanks Amie for all your help! Next year we'll use smaller pickles so we can get more than 4 in a jar:)
8.) Teach Attaboy to "roll over"

we didn't succeed.....most of our training sessions turned into cuddle sessions, but I'm not complaining:) Maybe next year
9.) Sell a homemade card at a farmer's market

The farmer's markets were a blast this year and I did manage to sell a few cards! Amie's mother-in-law was my first customer:) We will definetly do it again this year:)
10.) Lose 10 pounds.
Not so much....'nuf said:)
So....some success, some not so much, but for those that I didn't do, I've added them to this year's list:)
Bake a pie from scratch
Make a spinach salad from my own garden
Read 24 books
Sell a card on etsy.com
Teach Attaboy to roll-over
Learn to can tomatoes
Lose 10 pounds
Bake something new each month
Make a romantic meal with Jesse from scratch
Ocean white water rafting
Learn to play tennis
Looking forward to 2011!!
Thanks for stopping by!